Do you have a small sewing budget?

Now that I have started my own blog, I have decided to bring home a guest post I did at Home of Homemade Treasures. Thank you Yucenur for having me! I have broken the post up into a couple of parts.

My budget for sewing is pretty small. I dream of beautiful fabric and piles of patterns. But I have to deal with the reality that my budget is small. And so is my stash!

Stash photo Untitled2_zps70486a0c.jpg

I heard someone say once, they were "too poor to be cheap". Huh? Basically, it means that buying cheap stuff isn't always the best way to save money.

This is just one example of when you should remember this philosophy.

Sketchbook Shirt

I sewed up a beautiful Oliver + S Sketchbook shirt. The pattern cost me $22 (!!!), so I chose a cheap fabric at $6.00 per metre. I was trying to save money since I splurged on the pattern.

My reasoning was that if I just kept using the same pattern over again a few times, I would save money.

Though what happened was, that after a few washes, the cheap fabric pilled and got ladders like a pair of stockings would. The shirt was relegated to the back of the drawer!
Sketchbook Shirt, not a willing model

Lesson learnt. Good quality material will wash and wear for years. So now I endeavor to buy quality, when I can.

Next post up I will show you how I get great quality fabric for an affordable price... Upcycles!