I am going to occasionally feature some beginner tips here, the type of tips I have never seen on blogs. Probably because they are simple things that people take for granted.
First up is a tip on the fast and easy way to change your snap on presser feet. When I first started sewing I did this in the most difficult way.

I would physically pick up the presser foot...

Hold the button to open the clasp thingo and struggle to slot the foot up in there... (very technical terms used here haha)

And then let go.

But there is a much quicker way! My goodness, it was like a revelation when I figured this out. If I had of learnt to sew from someone I probably would have learnt this naturally and thought nothing of it. So I have to post this here today for all those beginners out there who are teaching themselves :)
And you should pass it on to them too!

Line up your presser foot underneath the shank.

And lower the shank :)

Click :)

Easy! Now, if you were teaching a beginner, would you think about simple things like this to show them, or do you think they would just watch you and learn organically? I am glad I shared this silly little tip of mine, we all have room for improvement don't we?
What sewing tips and tricks have you learnt all by yourself?