Tutorial - How To Start & Finish Seams Invisibly

My Kids Clothes Week progress is slow. So, today I wanted to show you a favourite technique of mine.

Sometimes, I just detest the look of backstitching. My auto backstitch feature is usually my best buddy, but sometimes on visible seams such as a hem, backstitching is unsightly.

This is how I finish those seams.

  • Sew the seam without backstitching, starting and stopping as close together as you can. Dont worry if you are about a stitch length away, it wont be noticable. Make sure you leave nice long tail threads.
Invisible Seam Finish 

  • Tie a knot with the two threads, do this on both sides.
Invisible Seam Finish 

  • Once securely knotted, thread the needle with the tails.
Invisible Seam Finish 

  • Getting as close as you can to the knot, even just underneath it with the needle, go in between the two layers of the hem and come up a few inches away.
Invisible Seam Finish 

  •  Gently tug the knot, so it pulls under the fabric.
Invisible Seam Finish

  • Cut the thread, close to the fabric.
Invisible Seam Finish

  • Wriggle it a bit, and the tiny bit of thread will disappear. Leaving you with a beautifully invisible seam start/finish.
Invisible Seam Finish 

Here I did this on both sides individually. You also can bring all of the threads to one side, knot them and hide them all at once. Really, it's up to you.

I especially love this technique when top stitching a bucket hat.

I'm certain this little trick has been around FOREVER, and many of you already know it. But you guys realise I am writing for the few that don't, right?  :)

My sewing progress this week hasn't been so great. How is everyone else coming along with KCW?
If your not sewing for your kids this week, what are you sewing? Could you apply this seam finish?